Monday, May 4, 2015

Why You Should Take Your Kid To Baby Swimming Lessons In West Chester, PA

By Joanna Walsh

When babies learn how to swim at a tender age, their confidence is boosted, and they become great swimmers with time. Babies are born with the immense potential of being an excellent swimmer as long as learn they are taught the required skills. Experts have stated that from birth, children have a natural reaction of closing the epiglottis whenever they are beneath the water but is not nurtured they skill will be forgotten. There are baby swimming lessons in West Chester, PA that offered to babies of different ages to help them grasp this skill.

The classes are usually in a series of thirty minutes where as a parent you will be actively involved. The instructors teach you and in turn you teach your child how to swim. The classes are usually divided into three different age groups usually between there and twelve months, one to two years and two to three years. We are patient with the baby and take them through all the steps until they have mastered the skill.

The classes involve three major steps. The steps take time and apply to children in different ages; you can only advance to the next step after the required skills are mastered. The first step involves preliminary skills where babies are taught to adapt the water surrounding and discover their movements and balance. They are also assisted in submersion and fundamental breath control procedures. In addition, there are also assisted in floating and jumping the pool.

Step two is more advanced than step one and a bit technical since it involves developing breath control where they are taught to hold their breath and blow bubbles through the mouth. They also learn how to submerge and move in the water on their own. Moreover, the step involves unassisted jumping in and floatation independent submersion

In the final step, babies learn to take charge of their breath control where they can blow bubbles via their mouth and nose. Additionally, they develop skills of kicking, rotating and paddling independently. They also learn safety measure and fundamental water confidence for safe swimming.

Baby swimming classes are associated with both physical and social benefits. Socially, the bond between a parent and baby is strengthened since parents spend more time as they teach their babies. They also get to interact and socialize with other children who are in attendance. Physically, swimming strengthens baby muscles as well as improves body coordination and balance.

Cognitive skills are also gained from these swim classes. Their memory improves due to the gestures used to teach them in swimming. Their confidence is also boosted as they learn to float and hold their breaths while under water on their own. And also, as they undertake the classes, their fear is wiped away.

In conclusion, you should consider taking your baby for swim classes as early as possible. The skills they get will help them not only to swim but also in their later life. They may also develop a strong liking for swimming and end up becoming great swimmers and take part in competitions.

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