Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Importance Of A Smith Rock Climbing Guide

By Tammie Caldwell

There are many forms of sports that have been innovated and many people have developed great interest in participating. This is done at organized dates or can be taken as a leisure activity by some people. These activities have been encouraged since they help people come together and have fun. One of such events has been smith rock climbing which is held annually.

There are standards that have been set by the club management at smith Rock Park that must be met by visiting teams. These are measures that have been taken to ensure the safety of people who visit this area. Only those who have fully satisfied the conditions are given a clearance form that permits them to participate.

One measure that has been looked at keenly is ensuring the right sporting gear is used. They offer special clothes for climbers that are made in such a way that it can protect their bodies from severe injuries. Climbing boots are also advised because they have the ability to assist the participants in moving up the tough rocks. It is important to cover the hands with proper gloves that ensure they are well protected from sharp rocks.

It has been advised that no lone climbing should be done. This aims at ensuring the whereabouts of any person is known. This has been achieved by allowing only teams to participate in this sport so that they can take care of each other. This has been found important in events where a player suffers an injury. First aid is made available before the medics are contacted and an ambulance is brought for rescue.

It is a basic requirement that anyone going out to be issued with a route map. This makes them find their paths to the top easily. The paths are however covered with thickets and this can make any one lost. The presence of a map and a pair of compass is very essential in helping the climbers locate their lost track back and proceed with their walk.

In some instances, it is advisable to hire a guide who will walk with the climbers all the way. The guide is mostly advocated for where the participants are new to that park. A small fee is chargeable for hiring the guide and this helps in making the whole adventure a success as well as a learning experience.

The entry fee that is charged to visit this site is very low making it possible for more people to come. Most visitors are either tourists or sportsmen who come to have their play from this area. Guest packages are available to visitors who require special services and treatments during the event as well.

Tourists also make their way up the hill so that they can have a good view of the areas that are below the hill. Photographs can be taken from this point where the horizon is captured very well making this site a point to visit. This has encouraged more people to come at this park.

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