Saturday, May 2, 2015

Many Fishermen Love To Go Off Shore Fishing

By Alta Alexander

Fishing is a sport that both men and woman take great pleasure in doing. One is able to spend hours at a time in nature enjoying the peace and quiet. Recreational fishermen either do this from the shoreline, river bank or boat. Off shore fishing is said to be very exhilarating where one will become closer to nature while enjoying the wide open sea all around.

In-shore fishing is when one is on a boat and is in sight of land. The water is only about thirty meters deep and fishing can be done on a small cabin cruiser, an inflatable, row boat or even a dinghy. These boats are all small enough to be transported on a trailer and are much cheaper than the off shore boats. The most popular choice of late is the kayak as it is very stable on water and is made of some very tough materials.

The variety and sizes of fish will also be different as the closer to shore one is the smaller they will be. The ones that are generally caught close to shore are the Flounder, Redfish which include the Sheepshead and the Dum as well as the Speckled Trout. The further out to sea one goes the bigger fish tend to be. The Yellow-fin, Marlin, Snapper, Cobia and the Mako are only a few that can be caught in deeper waters.

The back tank has space that one can easily fit a cooler box in, a live bait bucket and well as a dive tank. With the weight evenly distributed for the journey back one is guaranteed to return to shore without tipping over. It is comfortable enough to be able to sit in it the whole day and is very practical for the small or large person.

The Longfin Tuna can also be found in large shoals and can range from ten to thirty five kilograms. They are caught in the same manner as the Yellowfin but seem to respond better when chum is thrown into the sea. There was a catch of over one hundred and fifty of these creatures caught in only a few hours.

It weights about thirty kilograms and the length is three hundred and eighty five centimetres and eighty four centimetres in width. The weight it is able to carry is a massive two hundred kilograms and it comes in blue, light green, yellow and orange. The Angler version of this one comes fitted with three additional rod holders and a bungee cord at the back.

The Locomotion Kayak comes in a single or a double seat as well as a triple. It is able to link with other ones and the tie straps come together when purchasing the boats. Its length is two hundred and sixty four centimetres and the width is eighty one centimetres. It can carry a weight of up to one hundred and twenty kilograms and this one is very popular for a family outing.

The fishermen on this charter will even help young children to catch their very first fish. They cater for all ages as well as different levels of experience and those that have used them keep coming back each year. Nothing beats hearing the waves break on the side of the boat or getting sprayed by the sea out in the open while landing the "big one".

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