Monday, November 23, 2015

Issues Encountered In Running Restaurants On Haida Gwaii Islands

By Marci Nielsen

Before you open a restaurant you should do research on the possible challenges in the field so that you will be well informed on the same. This will make you come up with ways to avoid them and thus lead to success. Below is a discussion on challenges facing owners of restaurants on Haida Gwaii Islands.

It is challenging to come up with the menu. You ought to ensure that it is balanced. The theme brought out when developing it should be coherent. Do not offer few items and the dishes should be appropriately priced too. However, if you cannot offer many things because of financial constraints or lack of appropriate staffs, you can focus on a small number of meals but do them very well.

However, be cautious on the amount of items you will be making. Different types of food require a variety of ingredients. You also have to buy many cooking resources. In addition, the ordering process will take a while and also the duration taken to serve the food is long.

Poor services reduce the number of clients. In addition, new customers are less likely to come back if the first impression is not great. Thus, you have to ensure your waiters, waitresses and receptionists are good communicators. Even with exquisite table settings and delightful ambiance, the customer will never forget a bad experience. This is what will be passed on to colleagues and family members.

You need to have a unique way of doing things. However, this is easier said than done. Nevertheless, it does not mean it is not achievable. This is what customers will remember if the name of your restaurant comes up. Ensure the menu is superb and the services are excellent. This is expected of you. But you need to go an extra mile.

Nevertheless, refrain from copying ideas from other businesses. Even if you twist them a bit, the customers will notice and this will bring down your reputation. Even though this is not an easy thing to do, you should keep on trying until you get it right. Remember that the moment you impress the clients they will recommend the restaurant to friends and family. This is a great marketing strategy and you will not have to pay for it.

Mismanagement also hurts the restaurant business profoundly. Therefore, you should learn all the important factors in running a business before you start this venture. This will enable you to excel in analyzing the business performance. Small businesses forget to do this but it is very crucial. It informs you on the meals to increase. In addition, you will be able to make an informed decision when preparing the working budget.

Another challenge in this kind of business is recruiting and training the workers. This is very important but many restaurant owners do not give it a lot of consideration. Even graduates need training which has being tailored to fit the needs of the business. Remember that if your workers are not well qualified the business will not perform well.

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