Saturday, November 28, 2015

Discover How A National Airport Concierge Service Helps Unaccompanied Minors

By Lilia Slaybaugh

Kids have been traveling by plane by themselves for years. Each airline will have their own set of rules and regulations pertaining to children who travel unaccompanied by a parent or guardian. The United States Airport Concierge Services dictates the policies that airlines follow in regard to unaccompanied minor travelers.

It is important to note that rules in regard to when children can fly unaccompanied vary among airlines. Keep in mind that in the US children are not allowed to travel alone if they are under five. If a child is between five and seven, they can fly alone on nonstop flights only. However, he child must be escorted by airline personnel.

A child that is between 8 and 11 years of age can travel on connecting flights with an airline escort. It should be noted that a child of this age is not permitted to fly on a final connecting flight unless no other option exists. It may be surprising to learn that children 12 and over are permitted to travel unaccompanied without escort.

There are airlines that provide escorts for children 12 to 17 if the parents want the service. There are some airlines that do not permit a child to travel alone until they turn fifteen. For about two hundred dollars round trip, this service is offered to ensure a safe flight.

Parents get a pass that allows them to take their child through security and to their gate. At the gate the child is turned over to an attendant who will get them on the plane. The parents are permitted to stay at the gate until the plane takes flight.

For connecting flights, an attendant has the child remain seated to wait for an escort. The escort will take the child to the connecting flight and hands them over to a flight attendant on the plane. When kids arrive at their destination the adult meeting them must show ID to pick them up.

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