Sunday, June 21, 2015

Highest Irish Pub In The World

By Jonny Blair

The Wild Rover in La Paz, Bolivia quite simply is the highest Irish pub in the world. Yes I also went to Paddy's in Cuzco which lays a similar claim, but here in La Paz I made my way to The Wild Rover.

The Wild Rover sits in the lofty high altitude of La Paz - its also a hostel so you can stay there and although I knew this beforehand, I didn't stay there but in nearby Loki Hostel. On the first floor of the hostel sits the world's highest Irish Pub. It was an amazing place to relax

You can also book your tours all over Bolivia from the Wild Rover - I sorted some of my buses and Salar tour from there. But I missed a few things out in order to squeeze in my visits to the world's highest football stadium and the world's highest Irish Pub! A travelling Northern Irishman has priorities you know!

I'm from Northern Ireland and there were a few Northern Irish mentions in the pub, Geordie Best made it onto the wall in the world's highest Irish Pub. Great to see him there and made me feel at home.

Even-ing things up I guess. Most Irish pubs only have the Irish Tricolour, and politics aside, I always carry my Northern Ireland flag! The proudness of being Northern Irish exists on the island as well you know. This was a very happy moment, but not the best moment in the pub...

Once inside the bar I go to order my beer only to be surprised to hear a Northern Irish accent behind the bar - it's a guy from Carryduff called Grant! Amazing!

Straight away on hearing that I was a fellow County Down man, Grant gives up working behind the bar and comes and joins me for a beer! Imagine that in the highest Irish Pub in the world, drinking with a guy from literally just down the road. At the time, Down had just reached the All Ireland (Gaelic Football Final) and we spoke about that amongst other things, so Grant dashes out and grabs his County Down top! Red and Black with "An Dun" written on it. Behind the bar a range of UK and Irish products including Milky Way and the Southern Irish Tayto. Much prefer the Northern Irish ones, myself!

Liverpool were also on TV so I caught a live football match from the UK (a rarity for me on my travels). They played Utrecht and I also spoke to a girl from Dublin who is a Liverpool fan.

I got a few flag photos with the Northern Ireland flag against the Irish Tricolour and it remains the only photo I have in South America of another person from Northern Ireland holding that flag.

Grant was a top lad and even had his iPod/iTunes connected to the bar dukebox so we cranked on the tunes for the next hour or so. We played Ash, Oasis, Van Morrison and of course The Wild Rover itself. I also met Jack from Tipperary who was working there and I chatted to him about the possibility of some work. Sadly I was already planning to move on, to do the Inca Trail and head northwards after Bolivia, so the chance passed me by on that occasion. But who knows in the future! I've worked in an Irish Pub in 3 continents, a fourth would be nice!

At night the Wild Rover really does get wild!! It's a party pub and all sorts of things go on - fancy dress, necking drinks, cocktails and nudity. Forget how high an altitude you are - enjoy the party!

I did a Slainte and Cheers with Grant - amazing having a beer with a guy from my homeland yet some 3,600 plus metres above sea level. No Guinness so it was Pacena the local stuff!


The pub is on a side street but you will notice it first and foremost as a backpackers hostel, once inside head up the stairs to the world's highest Irish Pub!

Nestled on a street somewhere in this built up city high into the mountains is the Wild Rover! Incidentally I make a habit of visiting Irish Pubs. I've been in at least one Irish Pub per continent by now, worked in an Irish Pub in 3 continents, been to Ireland's Highest Pub (The Ponderosa) and been the the world's most southern Irish Pub (in Ushuaia).

My wee trip there was incredible. Loved every minute of it and would dearly love to go back. A big thanks to Granty too for being an excellent barman, a great host and good craic!

In Ireland the phrase "Top o the morning to you" is used. Here in La Paz it was more like "top of the world to you!"

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