Wednesday, April 8, 2015

A Look Into Entrepreneurial Addiction

By Joanna Walsh

Everyone has a dream for their lives, basically where they want to see themselves in a couple of years. This will need financial stability. It is obvious that this can be jeopardized by being employed under someone. So why not choose the other route? That is being your own boss. This is a smart move which also has its less talked about downside, entrepreneurial addiction.

People dive into this sector because it appears better than the alternative. Getting payment as you deserve is definitely a sweet deal. There is no need to work sleepless nights on a project and not get paid right. This is usually frustrating. One is not encouraged to keep going on. This is why people may seek to turn the tables.

Having control over your work schedule is an amazing feeling. This is what this situation usually brings. You will be able to work during the times that suit you best and even take time off when necessary. There is also a great rush of excitement when you are to come up with an idea all by yourself and it comes to fruition. Moreover, if it ends up becoming beneficial.

Research has been done in this business sector and the finds are quite interesting. If a person keeps involving themselves in various start up ideas there could be a possible problem. Not just any problem but an addiction. This will make people look at you differently. Not as someone trying to get a head in life but as someone who has a problem.

Entrepreneurs involved in multiple businesses are said to have a behavioral problem. They tend to be obsessive over their work putting too much time into it. Most of their energy will be spent thinking about business moves that will make them competition for their competitors. They can comb the internet researching for anything helpful.

Being an entrepreneur has its benefits. There is fame and earning a reasonable amount of money. It is said to also have a negative side. This refers to the possible psychological toll on people who are involved in this sector. This is the ugly side that society is not allowed to see. Apparently only the families of the people get to see this side.

This people may be too obsessive over their work that they forget their families. They forget that those special people also need that time. They are somehow always busy and never think about taking a break. This always leads to problems. They may end up succeeding in the business sector and fail when it comes to their family.

When you are working for ridiculous hours and are ignoring your health, there is definitely a problem. You may also be starting new ventures having not completed previous ones. Another important symptom to look out for is when doing non-work related activities frustrates you. It seems like any activity you get involved in can end up becoming an addiction.

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