Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tips During Bear Tours With A Group

By Claudine Hodges

There are several ways by which we can have fun with the people closest to us. But part of the best memories we have with them are those spend outside the four walls of our house. Those experiences which revolved around getting into action, doing something unique, eating at a different place comprise some of the most memorable moments we have with them.

One activity that is gaining popularity at present is this thing called bear watching. This is where you go to place that is known for bear sightings and watch them from a certain location with your guides. Services like the Juneau bear tours arise because of the demand of the people to do the activity with the permission of the local officials of the place.

If you have not yet experienced this activity, then you may consider it as part of your next stops. However, unlike your previous outdoor escapades, this may need more caution on your part considering that we are dealing with wild animals that are capable of injuring you. Below are some tips for you to think about in order to make sure you have fun viewing these huge animals on your next trip.

Dress right. This is not just any type of tour where you can be as casual as you like. Yes you can wear jeans and short. But be sure you bring some spare clothing with you. Depending on the area where you will do the watching, you may have to strictly stick to rubber shoes and cargo pants. If the weather is hot, consider bringing a hat with you as well.

Two, secure your foods.This means placing them in the right place away from the prying hands and eyes of your target animals. Yes, bears can smell foods a mile away. And if you leave those sweet smelling cookies unattended, expect them to come running your car to steal them away. One of your best option may be placing them on your car trunk until you come back from viewing.

Third, refrain from being too friendly from them. This means that you should not act goody goody and get close to a bear. The recommended distance is 50 yards to 100 yards away. Closer than this, and you are already potentially at risk.

Four, avoid running. Bears are sensitive. Any form of action that gets their attention can be perceived as a threat. If you run, they will see the need to chase you. It is best to settle down, avoid eye contact, wave a hand to indicate that you are not a threat to them and back away. Slowly.

Fifth, bring with you a can of bear spray. This should only be used in desperate situations. The material used for this product is created to shun them away once you spray it on their eyes. Unless you desperately need to have this, better keep it safe in your backpack.

Do not let unpreparedness ruin the fun of your activity. Get your backpack and start putting in the things that you will need. Make a list if you have to. Do not hesitate to ask the help of a family member. If you forgot something, it is better to have a second eye to check it.

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