Sunday, December 7, 2014

Guide To Shopping In Lancaster

By Claudine Hodges

In new federal states, there was virtually no malls before reunification. This emerged after 1990 in large numbers on a green field, leading to a substantial purchasing power outflow from the inner cities (shopping in Lancaster). Background for this building boom at the gates of cities was for a rapid access to land (land in inner cities were often lengthy process of restitution and other proprietary difficulties blocked) and the rapid creation of corresponding construction law: Above a sales area of 700 sqm is a rapid creation of construction law only designation of core areas (MK) or special areas (SO) in development plan possible.

There are many definitions, the Austrian professional association for buying-center defines the classic buying center / buying mall as uniformly planned and managed, staffed by a larger number of independent retail, service and restaurant object. This is to prevent consumer markets with a small shop bar whose function is almost exclusively to cover short-term needs distort the image.

The recorded in documentation centers at the surface lower limit, however, meet the quality function of buying center, so the "buying" from shortlist goods (eg clothing, shoes, household items, electrical and electronic goods such. Etc.). Often in international definitions, the lower limit of rentable area at 10,000 sqm are recognized. The Federal Administrative Court adopts a buying center in terms of Land Use Ordinance, when "a spatial concentration of retail stores of different types and sizes - usually in combination with various service industries - is present, which is either planned uniform or nevertheless grown in a manner other than.

It is essential for customer acceptance, the vote of transactions is another, also called Sectors. Here in centers of usual size (approximately 30,000-40,000 sqm) usually called two magnets or anchor tenants are used that already attract numerous customers alone, so that the center is well attended. These magnets are targeted mostly placed at the opposite ends or in middle of mall to get into buying center so the clientele. It is now established that these magnets are large grocery stores, fashion boutiques and specialty stores for consumer electronics. In between are grouped smaller shops that proportionately much higher rents paid per square meter as the anchor tenant. It all queried by the consumer sectors are covered.

Finally, in 1956 originated with the Southdale Center in Minneapolis the world's first single integrated in a building, buying mall. It was planned from the emigrated to United States Austrian architect Victor Gruen, who is considered a forerunner of today's modern and complex buying center. That in United States until then new concept, numerous dealers of various products in one place to find in a mall, spread very rapidly due to popularity.

In urban entertainment centers, retail fades into background. These centers are in entertainment, leisure and adventure combined with trade deals that occur here as spectrum users, aligned. The term "urban" is misleading since these centers can be found both in inner city locations as well as in peripheral locations. "Urban" refers more to conceptual design of an urban atmosphere.

The individual shops are rented, the rent often consists of revenue sharing in connection with a minimum rent. The shops can use a common infrastructure. The advertising is often performed together, for. Example in form of an advertising community. In return, the business must adhere to rules of operator, eg. As with respect to opening times or common discount offers.

In closed centers are the shops in a building. They are accessed by a common area, the mall. The Center is directed inward, the shops have turned their expenses to mall. The first of these buying centers were completed significantly outward, usually there was no daylight. Since the 1990s, closed malls with glass canopies are increasingly "open" to outside.

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