Friday, January 26, 2018

Selecting The Best Stand Up Paddle Board

By Kimberly Nelson

When you say summer or break, it is always about spending a day at the beach or going somewhere calm where you can relax and enjoy after a stressful days, weeks, or months that you had. You can head out to the beach to catch waves in the ocean or cruise outside of the surf zone. You can also do work out by doing a fast paddle.

Since the aforementioned activities involves a board, choosing the right one is the first step to have a wonderful paddling or surfing experience. If you got one just like the paddle board Maui you probably make a good decision. Apart from enjoying the waves of the beautiful ocean or the peace brought about by the lakes, you can also get a work out.

Stand up paddle boards or SUP, as well as the factors for choosing them, will be a focus in this article. There are three of them which include the surfing, multipurpose or touring, and inflatables. The other two are regular or ordinary boards, namely the yoga and racing boards.

To have a best choice of SUP, you must have a knowledge on its types. It is very important to note of the varied functions each kind has. That board may be appropriate for this activity but not for the other activity. That may be suitable or unsuitable for your preferences.

The surf stand up paddle boards have nose and tail that are narrower, shorter, and lighter compared to those of others. Because of their structure, it is intended only for quick and high performance turns which are commonly seen in surfing activities at the beach. Thus, it makes this perfect for surfers. However, it is not stable as others thought it might be. Thus, if you are planning to paddle in a long distance, using them is not really a good idea.

The second one is the touring SUP. It has been commonly used by paddlers since it has been made to serve almost all purposes. Because of being much wider, heavier, and has greater volume, it is much more stable compared to the first one. It is great for first timers who want to paddle in a lake.

The inflatable is the one that can solve a couple of problems which are the transportation and storage. Thus, it is a great deal for those who have rented an apartment or owned a car just to store a large and stiff boards. Although they are more convenient, it has a downside, too. A sacrifice on the stiffness of the board must be made, making the paddling experience more challenging. However it can easily be managed in lighter conditions.

The hull or body of an SUP is a key determinant as to how it functions or how it performs in an ocean, river, or lake alike. Whatever activity like surfing or paddling that you are planning to do will be one of the basis in making the best type. The storage and its portability or transportation are also the bases when you are prompted to choose between inflatable or solid one.

To ensure stability and good performance, it is advisable to pick a board with the volume and weight capacity that is proportionate your height and weight. Its dimensions such as the length, width, and thickness are determinants as to how it performs or handles on water. Right from there, you might also want to take a look on its fins or accessories.

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