Friday, January 6, 2017

Marketing Tips For A Virginia Guest House

By Elizabeth Brown

Opening a guest hotel can give a handsome income if you know how to market it effectively. If you sit back any hope that many people will come knocking on your door then you will lose a lot of customers. Given below are ideas on how to market your Virginia guest house.

Make sure you have identified the population you wish to work with from the very beginning. It is good to specialize in something rather than being general. However, you can still meet the basic needs. Through specialization, your resources will be directed towards the right cause.

You need to have entertainment sessions in the hotel. No one wants to spend time in a boring place. Even though some are used as a getaway for some quite and piece, everyone will be open to some form of entertainment. However, make sure that you do not overdo this. Something simple and local is enough as long as it is presented well.

You should network with other people who have such hotels in your surrounding area. When you team up, competition will be reduced because you will come up with favorable rules. The mistake many people in this business make is being at opposite sides with the competition. This does not do anyone good. However, ensure you approach them well. When you try to impose your desires on them then the plan will backfire. They do not need you any less than you need them. Therefore, maintain respect in your approach.

You need to be on your toes when it comes to competition. You need to research on the rates prevailing in the other hotels and who they are. If there are booking agents being used, ensure their client details are scrutinized. If your hotel has a website, review it regularly and note the business it is bringing.

You should not fall into the prank pulled on guest house owners by advertisers. Make sure the cause for parting with your hard-earned cash is justified. Some people will make tall promises but fail to deliver. Do not part with your cash unless you have seen positive results. It is better to invest this in the marketing department.

Not every customer will have a good knowledge on how to get to the hotel. Therefore, use Google maps to direct your clients. It is very easy for people to find new places through using online maps. They are very simple to use and also cheap because the amount of data required for this is low.

You should not exist without an online forum in this era. You should have accounts in all the major social pages. You can reach a high number of your target clients through this because a lot of people spend time online. Use the pages to educate people on the merits of booking with you. In addition, tell them about offers and any other relevant information. Also, ask people who have enjoyed your services to help push for bookings in the pages by giving good reviews. They can even help you answer questions concerning the hotel when you are busy elsewhere since they have a good knowledge of the business.

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