Sunday, September 13, 2015

Knowledge On Salmon Fishing Lures

By Kenya England

Fishing is a form of art besides being a hobby. You need to know more than just hooking baits and plopping the fishing rod in water for the activity to be productive. You have to know the prey preferred by the fish you are targeting. The fishing time should be right and the method used should be suitable too. Salmon fishing lures should be chosen carefully.

The baits used vary widely. However, the bottom line for successful fishing is employment of the right technique. You should be knowledgeable on the various types of lures used. However, knowing the names of the baits will be of no help to you if you cannot use them effectively.

Live lures have been in use since the ancient times. The merit of using such bait is that it can move on its own because it is alive. Its smell disperses in water too attracting the fish. Salmon roe is the most popular live bait in catching the fish. It is cheap to get these eggs. By the virtue of them being colorful and bright the lax loves them.

Another kind of live baits is minnows. They can be used to catch any type of freshwater fish. However, you need to make sure that they are alive when fixing them onto the hook. Sand shrimp can be used too. They always deliver good results but they are very costly. Rigging them is not an easy task. Nonetheless, they will not disappoint you if you are patient enough.

There are very many artificial types of baits available in the market. Silver spoons are the commonest of these lure types. They have concave oval embedded on the hook. When cast into water the oval flashes and flatters attracting the fish. Spinner bait is also good to use. It has metallic blades which create movements in water by spinning.

Cut plugs take after small fish and are rigid. They have the advantage of being adorned with many hooks. Color and luster are important features for any type of lax fishing lure. Salmons will not be found near the water surface and the lure color must be easily detected by fish in dark waters. The colors which have been confirmed to be visible at great depths include green, purple, UV and blue.

Trolling is the recommended technique in salmon fishing. It involves fishing while the boat is constantly moving. Staying in one position for extended period of time or letting the lure stop moving will make them suspicious and they are not likely to take the bait.

In trolling, divers or weights are used to get the bait to a specific depth. Salmon fishing should be done near the water body bottom. Because it is always on the move, ensure the lure is in a constant move too to get the attention of salmon. When using live baits you should cast them before the fish so that they can detect the smell. If all these aspects are considered keenly then the fishing tour will not be a headache to you. You will catch them easily and the activity will be fun.

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