Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Amazing Machu Picchu And Galapagos Tours

By Lena Stephenson

There are innumerable options available when it comes time to pick a vacation destination. People who like to play it safe and stay inside the traditional box often go with all time favorites like amusement parks, sunny beaches and popular landmarks. Those who want to experience something unique and memorable opt for adventures like Machu Picchu and Galapagos tours.

Each of these fantastic South American vacations are designed to provide the traveler with an experience that will result in lasting memories. Guided excursions are timed to ensure that all of the primary highlights are covered, but they also allow for the individuals to go off on their own and explore. There is definitely no shortage of activities to fill one's days and nights.

The versatility of these packages is a major benefit. Even though their physical locations are in close proximity, the destinations are worlds apart in so many ways. In essence, the plan provides two very different getaways rolled into one conveniently put together trip with a single set of travel and accommodation arrangements.

Each location is oozing with charisma and has something unique to offer to each and every visitor. Though completely different in their purpose and composition, they both give the individual an opportunity to take a figurative look back in time. One provides a glimpse into the lifestyle of an ancient people, the other a chance to see an ecosystem and evolutionary mix like no other place on Earth.

Nestled within the Andean mountains in Peru and nearly perfectly preserved, rests a remarkable structure built in the fifteenth century. Dubbed the "Lost City of the Incas", this site was protected from the influence of modern man because of its remote positioning. Under the protection and direction of several historical societies, the complex is operated in such a way as to provide visitors with an active and realistic view into the Inca Empire from the 1400's.

The second site is a group of islands, islets and volcanoes that form an archipelago and host a jumble of ecosystems and wildlife that are found nowhere else and seem to defy logic. Almost every climate and weather pattern found on Earth are present here, as well as a menagerie of animals that one would not expect to exist together, or at all. The amazing conditions found at this destination are due partly to geographical location and the lack of human development and technology.

Skilled guides will escort visitors through the sites, giving insight and explanation as to the significance of all the highlighted features and points of special interest. Time is also scheduled to allow individuals to go off on their own and experience the local society, shopping and activities. There is so much history and culture to be found at both destinations.

Traveling fun can be doubled by choosing to sign up for a dual destination vacation trip. Another benefit is that it is like taking two great adventures but only having to spend the effort on one set of transportation and accommodation arrangements. The enjoyment is maximized when one plan is in place and covers two magnificent and unforgettable South American locations such as these.

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