Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Playground Games That Children Love To Play

By Enid Hinton

Children often learn a lot of life lessons while they are playing with other children during play time. Of course it is the job of the teacher to ensure that the students know how to play the playground games that were planned for them and to explain to them why the games were played. Here are a few of the most popular activities that kids just love.

Now one game that is a big hit among any student that can run whether male or female would of course be tag. Now everyone is probably familiar with tag as the game wherein the it would chase other players to make them it. This is one of the games that would really make a kid tired and would also teach him about how to cooperate too.

Now tug of war is a very popular game in a lot of schools because it is one that would help students gain physical strength and teach them some values. Now the rules are two teams are going to be pulling a rope in opposite directions trying to bring the rope to their side. This game requires a lot of team effort and will not work unless everyone cooperates.

Of course there is also the game that is known as monkey in the middle. Now in this game, there are two groups of people in opposing sides and there is a person between them. The objective is to hit the person in the middle and the one in the middle has to avoid getting hit by the ball otherwise he will be out.

Now another game that needs quite a big number of players would be the game get the flag. Now in this game, the class would first be divided into two big teams that would each have their own respective flags. Now the whole objective of the game is for one to try to grab the flag of the opposing team and not get touched by any of them otherwise he will go to jail.

A rather chilled out game is known as croquet which is quite a popular one among the children. It involves two or more players trying to hit colored balls through certain hoops using a mallet. Of course this will teach the children how to think strategically and know how to solve certain problems.

Now dodgeball is another very fun game but it is more for the older kids because it can get a little rough. Now just for those who do not know, the objective of this game is for one team to hit the members of the opposing team in order to take out the members. Basically, the balls will be placed in the middle of the two teams and the teams have to collect the balls used for playing.

Now if one is a teacher, he can actually try out some of these games. Now it is also extremely important for the teacher to let the students know why these games are being played in the first place. Teaching the life lessons behind the activities is probably the most important part.

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