Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Top Collectible Items That Has Route 66 Icons Print

By Ora Dickson

US 66 or historically known as Route 66 brings about a lot of memories from Americas past. But for our kids who have been living in the digital age, the area might sound strange. This can be attributed to the fact that there is no more Route 66 right now. It is history. Though of course its influence is apparent judging from the commercial products we see around.

If trying something new is your bet for this season, then there is something good that you can do. You can either create them yourself or buy those ready made products with route 66 icons printed on them. Collection can take some time, but if you have an idea on where to start, then it will be easier. So let us drop by our list and check the top collectible items with this design.

First, are the t shirts. T shirts are great because you can wear them on casual moments like going to the supermarket or taking your dog for a walk. But t shirts are also common. So if you wish to add a twist to your usual plain choice, then having a huge 66 printed in front or at the back of your shirt can be a good start.

Two, are the pins. They are among the top choice when it comes to giving memento for kids. Malls sometimes give pins to their customers as a gratitude. And you can give yourself too. In fact, you can create one using your own design. A red 66 inside a black circle can be a nice idea.

Three, we have the pens. Students use them most of the times. Employees use them a lot. You most likely do as well. So begin adding a nice touch to your pen by customizing a print on it. It could be a name, a symbol or a quote. There are ready made route 66 pens in the market. But if you think you know a better design, then go ahead and print them.

Four, the pendants. Let us not limit our thoughts to ruby and diamonds and explore a more creative way of making our necklaces unique. Customized pendant designers know this. So it should not come as a surprise if we see a lot of unique, even bizarre pendant designs in stores. Someone out there just had his creativity tapped.

Five, the stickers. We usually associate stickers to kids. But we are thinking about it wrong. Kids love stickers with kid friendly designs. So if we choose a design that fits like the trend of our age, the better we will like it.

You do not have to spend a lot collecting things. Nor do you need to buy them in bulk. You can start by conceptualizing where you want to have the symbol printed and work on it. Start with a single item and build it up gradually. If you can find a friend who wants to join in then better.

Give tribute to this historical place and let your creativity out. You would not know how good your imagination is until you do it. Give it a try now.

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